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VeriLook Extended SDK Trial 5.2

VeriLook Extended SDK Trial VeriLook Extended SDK Trial 5.2

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VeriLook Extended SDK Trial Publisher's Description

Webcam capable multiplatform face identification SDK for PC and Web based applications. Includes a ready-to-use software for face matching on the server side that is intended for using in web-based and other network-based systems. Based on reliable face recognition technology that matches 440,000 faces per second and is able to detect face lifeness. SDK can be used with most cameras and webcams on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Includes documentation and programming samples in C, C++, C#, Sun Java 2, Visual Basic 6, Visual Basic .NET and Delphi 7. The trial requires constant internet connection.

What's New in Version 5.2 of VeriLook Extended SDK Trial

Increased tolerance to face posture and recognition accuracy

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